Microbiome interventions for children raise the ethical stakes
An ethical way forward for Indigenous microbiome research
Yaws could soon be eradicated — 70 years behind schedule
How genetically modified mosquitoes could eradicate malaria
How to eradicate the next pandemic disease
The Washington Post
What dreams are made of: Scientists mine sleep’s mysteries
Gratitude can improve our mental health. Here’s how to create a practice.
Why loneliness is associated with food cravings in some women
How to help your brain form healthy habits and break the bad ones
Can brain ultrasound treat addiction? A cocaine study may hold answers.
Some coma patients may be conscious. New research could identify them.
Why do we play? Rats can teach us how it improves mental health
Some dementia patients begin to create art. We may now know why.
Dog cancer research advances pursuit of drugs for humans and canines
Rethinking fatigue: Feeling tired vs. being physically depleted
National Geographic
We finally know the cause of severe morning sickness. A remedy could be next.
The New York Times
In Coral Fossils, Searching for the First Glow of Bioluminescence
You May Have This Blobby Animal to Thank for Your Nervous System
This Spider Is Imperfect, and That May Be the Secret of Its Survival
Who’s Using Vocal Fry in the Ocean? Dolphins and Whaaaaales.
Ten Mummified Crocodiles Emerge From an Egyptian Tomb
What Should You Do When the Bear Is Cinnamon?
This Acrobatic Hunting Trick Is Straight Out of the Spider-Verse
Sneeze by Sneeze, Sponges Fill the Seas With Their Mucus
Why Woodpeckers Don’t Mind Hitting Trees With Their Faces
These Bats Buzz Like Hornets to Scare Off Predators
How Boa Constrictors Breathe While Squeezing the Life Out of Their Prey
Like Cheetahs, Ancient Ocean Creatures May Have Moved With a Gallop
Body Odor May Smell Worse to You Than Your Ancient Ancestors
Hydra DNA Reveals There’s More Than One Way to Regrow a Head
Madagascar’s Got Talent: Lemurs That Sing With Rhythm
Volcanic Eruptions Helped Dinosaurs Dominate Planet Earth
Scientific American
Do Fainter Lines on Home COVID Tests Mean You’re Getting Better?
What Are the Best and Safest Sunscreens?
Are Skittles Toxic from Titanium Dioxide?
Spray-On, Rinse-Off Food ‘Wrapper’ Can Cut Plastic Packaging
New Augmented Reality Models Bring Ice Age Animals to Virtual Life
Want to Get Humans to Trust Robots? Let Them Dance
This Cheap Device Could Expand the World’s Access to Vaccines
Save the Right Whales by Cutting through the Wrong Noise
Treating a Deadly Lung Disease with a Little Help from Amoebas
New Scientist
Locusts produce an odour to try to put other locusts off eating them
‘Love hormone’ may not be crucial for social bonding after all
Rare fossil reveals 'destroyer of shins' dinosaurs fought each other
Bats and death metal singers use the same throat structure to growl
Male orb-weaving spiders catapult off females to escape death after sex
Popular Science
‘Green amendments’ could help states lock in environmental protections
Scientists Are Already Preparing for the Next Pandemic
Dance music deters mosquitoes, and hip-hop gives cheese a fruity flavor
Psychology Today
COVID-19 Is Not Just a Respiratory Illness
If You Couldn’t Imagine Ghosts, Would They Still Be Scary?